My sister McCall and her family live in Houston and usually come up every summer. Since it is a 26 hour drive and we only see them once a year they stay for 3 weeks. In that space of time we try to fit in a years worth of activities and family time. This year, my family was leaving for Florida during their last week so we had 2 weeks to get it all in. I think we did a good job! (WARNING!!! Many, many pictures to follow)
We started off with the 4th of July celebrations (see previous post) then continued with...
Monday, July 6
Monday, July 6
Today we went to Discovery Park. The kids love all the place. To be drives me nuts. There are too many places to wander away and places for predators to hide. Overprotective? Of course not.
Tuesday, July 7
We traveled to the Oquirrh Mountain Temple Open House with Mom and Dad, McCall & kids and Alisa & kids. They all were pretty good and we made it out without damaging anything. Rylee was pretty interested in the baptismal font and wanted to take a dip. Garrett refused to have his picture taken as you can see.
McCall and I packed a picnic & took our kids to this great park in Cedar Hills that a friend of mine clued me into. From the road it just looks like a normal playground in the distance (which it is). But down in the little valleys is a stream that is probably 8 feet across and only ankle deep. It is very cold but they didn't seem to mind and there was nice grassy and shaded areas along the whole length.
Thursday, July 9
LAGOON!!! I always looked forward to Lagoon when I was little. Apparently I still do as well as my kids. When I told Garrett where we were going he started spouting off all the rides he wanted to go on that he remembered from last year. All the kids were able to go on plenty of rides. Rylee and Bryn only got into 10 or so fights. Garrett was thrilled that Grandpa took him on a "big kid" ride - the Bat. He was thrilled! Thanks Mom and Dad for taking all of us! We had a GREAT time!
Colton & Garrett on Dino Drop - Rylee & Malin on Puff the Magic Dragon Roller Coaster
Garrett's excitement over the "Bat" - Brady & Rylee on the spaceships
Grandpa & Grandma with the grandkids
Garrett's excitement over the "Bat" - Brady & Rylee on the spaceships
Grandpa & Grandma with the grandkids
Friday, July 10
We all died. But resuscitated in time for the late show of "The Proposal" with Mom and McCall. So good I've seen it twice!
Saturday, July 11
Thomas was baptized and we were all fortunate to attend. He was so excited and we were so proud of him. This is the first baptism in our family when all the grandkids were able to be there!
Monday, July 13
Monday, July 13
We headed to the Dino Museum with my Mom, McCall, Colton, Bryn, Malin, Thomas & Kaisa. We could have spent half the day there because they were having so much fun. We didn't get to do everything but were able to finish the day off with an ice cream at the parlor.
That night McCall and I went to my pilates class and then headed out for a little shopping. We found some darling shoes for a girls and had fun visiting.
That night McCall and I went to my pilates class and then headed out for a little shopping. We found some darling shoes for a girls and had fun visiting.
Tuesday, July 14
We had a great luncheon at Mom's house with my aunt and cousins and their children. We were able to sit back, mostly relax and visit with my sweet cousins that we see far to infrequently. The kids on the other hand were busy with a water fight - typical Barratt behavior.
Wednesday, July 15
Off we go to Utah Lake. Everyone's favorite destination! Actually, it was a lot of fun. Dad took the kids on tubes and boat rides. I don't believe in getting in the water so I was just fine on the boat. While others had their turn there was a great grassy area with lots of shade, picnic tables and a crystal clear stream running through. It was perfect! Dad let all the kids drive the boat...alone! Garrett thought that was the coolest thing ever. Rylee also got to steer but with a little help. At the end of the day we ended up towing in another boat. The ride was pretty slow and apparently soothing enough to rock Ry sound asleep - sitting up!
Thomas, Colton, Kaisa & Garrett ready for a ride
Thursday, July 16
Just the girls went for a relaxing and tasty lunch at the Blue Lemon then headed off to go shopping for a couple hours. Ah, the joy of adult conversation without the constant interruption of little people.
Saturday, July 18
Steel Days is another family tradition! We all went to the fabulous parade...okay, what happened to all the bands? Isn't that the main part of the parade? Oh well the kids had fun and filled their bags with candy. What more could they ask for? Then we headed to my mom and dad's for a bbq and water fight. This year however I think the little girls were the only ones to get wet.
A rare, loving moment between Ry & Bryn.
These two little sweeties have had a very love/hate relationship...heavily leaving away from the "love". We're hoping this will diminish over the next few years and they'll become best buddies!
I'm exhausted! Now it's off to Disney World for a week! Yahoo!!!