Tuesday, January 19, 2010

December Week 5

Dad called on the morning of the 30th at 8:30 to see if he could pick up my kids to go sleigh riding! Hello, of course! After I got them dressed I called back to let him know they were ready. Mom answered the phone and was a little irritated. She got up and looked out the window and said "oh, I should probably call the kids and take them sledding". When my dad proudly states, "I've already called them and am on my way to pick them up!". He was so happy with himself. I just love that my parents still love to do this stuff.

Alek and Garrett (with his new sled from the Nelsons)! He wouldn't give it up or let anyone go with him!

Papa and Ry had great fun on the tubes... and got the best distance!

Grandma was finally allowed to join the group (after 30 minutes so Dad could have all the the glory until she arrived). How lucky Rylee and Garrett are to have such fun grandparents!

On New Years Eve we were invited to my friend Kim's for goodies galore and games. The kids were thoroughly entertained by all the food and the fun! Jon and I had so much fun with our friends and had many laughs. Thanks!!! We finally decided to head home around ten and were asleep well before midnight. A PERFECT evening!

For the unbelievers

Although most have never heard this phenomenon my child does sing occasionally!

December Week 4

Let the parties begin...or continue! Monday morning we had a bash with our "foster" kids. These three turned into Rudolph and then proceeded to fly through the house looking for Santa.

That night we had our Smith Family party. How many Smith's can you fit on a trailer to go caroling? By my estimates about 50 - although more stayed back at the church too afraid of the chilly night air. My Uncle Jerry had managed to get his hands on a flat bed trailer decked out with hay bales, lights and wreaths. We were pulled through the neighborhoods singing carols. When we got to my parents street my dad hopped out and ran down the street knocking on all our elderly neighbors doors so they could come and listen. These are the same sweet neighbors I grew up with, just a little older, and I got a little teary eyed watching their happy, grateful faces.

My kids thought this was particularly cool, although very cold, and really didn't want to get off. Thanks Jerry!
Christmas Eve we finished up our shopping by hitting Cabela's, Walmart and Kohl's. Surprisingly it wasn't too bad or we just had good luck. Then we headed to Shellie's for Christmas Eve.

Rylee helped her Nana make the yummy pizzas! She had so much fun. We had a great dinner and visited, read Luke 2, told Christmas stories then the kids opened one present.

Christmas Jammies! Hooray! Once we got home the kids got milk and cookies ready for Santa and then went straight to bed knowing Santa couldn't come until we were all asleep. I was in the kitchen getting the breakfast casseroles ready and Jon was wrapping presents when every so often we'd hear Garrett warn us to go to bed. He's so funny! Luckily he finally dozed off and Santa was able to visit.

Christmas Morning!
Garrett and Rylee find Santa's thank you note and spot his mostly eaten cookies and an empty cup!

Let the presents begin..

Ry received Princess everything! Garrett got a variety of stuff - and only ONE dinosaur. He didn't seem to mind. Shocker!

It's so great when they are at this age where everything they get is AWESOME!
We had my Mom, Dad and Ty over for breakfast which was fabulous. And not just because we didn't have to leave the house.

Ry was thrilled with her princess dolls!

Just takin' a ride on his reindeer! Go DAD!

Shellie, Jer and Jordan came down and Garrett couldn't have been happier with his new camera from Nana! He found it especially funny when he started taking pictures of our bums!

The Gray boys and their Mom!

The Nelson's also came by for a visit and I had to capture Alisa rocking her baby boy. Isn't he cute?
We had such a great Christmas and felt so blessed - mostly to be surrounded by family and friends who we love and cherish!

December Week 3

Nothing says Christmas like the dentist. Hey, not all of December is about fun and games.

Clearly Rylee wasn't having any fun. But for her first visit she did pretty good until they reclined the chair and the ultimate fear set in. And that concludes our visit to the dentist.

Garrett had a visit from Mrs. Claus at Talking Time. He's been so good he was even in HER book!

I got to have lunch with my friend Jamie (who also has a son Garrett, ha ha) for her birthday...without kids! We had a great time and I got to know her a lot better. Always a bonus!

On the 17th was Garrett's preschool program. They sang fun songs and did the Nativity. Garrett was Joseph and Sydney was Mary. What a cute little family!

He sang a few words to the songs but the best part was when he saw Daddy in the back and lit up and just smiled away! He loves his preschool!

After the program we came home and made a gingerbread house. My friend Kris' family has their own gingerbread festival. They're pros. I'd asked her for the recipes to which she replied her mom had them but started giving me some of the details. It sounded so detailed and labor intensive I opted for the $10 kit at the store. The kids didn't mind and I didn't go nuts. Good call!

My book group got together for lunch - no book - at Zupas. It's a tradition because December is so busy we know we won't be able to read... so we eat! Can't beat that!
That afternoon we had a Gray's Great Grandkid party at our house. Jon's cousins came with their kids so they could all play. Although I had many things planned for this event, all they wanted to do was run around and squeal. Which quite honestly I expected and was just fine to sit and visit. However, I didn't get a single good picture of all the little stinkers.

Saturday was our ward party. The food was good, the entertainment was good and the company was good. Overall we had fun! The primary kids put on the Nativity and Garrett wanted to be a donkey. My little guy knelt on all fours and, I was told, was reverently saying in his best donkey voice, "he haw, he haw". I think we have an actor in the making!

(although these are a little blurry, you get the idea)
The morning ended with a visit from Santa. This time Rylee was willing to overcome her fear when she realized all the kids were getting a sack of goods from the old man. She sucked it up and was able to get her treats too!

December Week 2

We finally got a snow that warranted the hour process of getting snow clothes on. It was totally worth it. They played for at least 2 hours!

On the 10th I met my girls at Trio Cafe in Salt Lake for our favorite things Christmas party. So much fun.!!! We each bring a Christmas gift for each other that is one of our "favorites". We have such a great time together although it's never often enough. Ashleigh had given us a tutu, not for us Mommies, because we each have little girls about the same age.

Rylee was clearly thrilled with her new tutu. She kept twirling around admiring herself in the mirror.

On Saturday the 12th Shellie took me and Garrett to the Nutcracker. He remembered it all from last year when I took him. His favorite part is the Rat King. He also remembered that last year during intermission that my mom bought him a Nutcracker. So this time when intermission came he looked right at me and said, "let's go by my Nutcracker."

Nana saw the Rat King Nutcracker and as soon as Garrett saw it his eyes grew wide, he grinned ear to ear and said, "I want THAT one!"
I love this tradition. Next year Ry gets to go!

December Week 1

Wow! December came and went before I got a chance to breathe. So in an attempt to sum up our festivities I'm posting by the weeks of December. Hang in there!

Garrett and Rylee loved decorating the trees. Garrett's little tree in his room received no parental help. I love the mass of star tinsel sitting at the top! I loved more, the great pride they felt when they showed me their finished masterpiece. At least the baby Jesus made it to the front of the tree this year!

Stopped in the process of decorating the downstairs tree to take pic and show off Garrett's freshly grown antlers (this was not intentional, but pretty funny)!

Garrett's turn this year to add Great Grandma's crocheted angel!

This week Lindsay and Javier also flew in from Cincinnati to perform with the BYU Symphony. Although our visits were very short I thoroughly enjoyed the concert and we got to enjoy a yummy dinner at Osaka afterwards with them. Linds and Jav are two of the most talented people I know.

On the 4th Mom and I took the kids to the mall to see all the Christmas decor and really just to get out of the house. Garrett spotted Santa and hopped right up on his lap and told him he wanted a dinosaur and a train. Rylee wasn't so sure about Santa. But we had a fun, relaxing time and topped of the day with 1 pound of Mrs. Cavanaugh's French Mints...our FAVORITES!!!

On the 5th we had family pictures. We had scheduled to take them outside but the weather of course was horrible. Inside it is! The problem with this is the flashes. Jon's eyes DO NOT tolerate the bright lights so we got five frames in and had to stop. Honestly, everything you hope doesn't go wrong when trying to get pictures happened. Needless to say, Lyndi did the best she could with our "special" group and we did get a few good pics. Ah, better luck next time.

This face pretty much sums up our 2009 Family Picture experience!