Sunday, November 23, 2008


Of course with the holidays quickly approaching and with repeat versions of the "Thankful Game" it's hard not to sit down for a moment and really think about everything I'm grateful for. Today that opportunity came while taking Rylee for a drive. As I was glancing back at her and watching her little face relax and her eyes start to flutter as she fell asleep I had that incredibly overwhelming feeling of "how on earth did I get blessed and entrusted with these most precious little angels" and the tears just flowed. I can't comprehend what my life would be like without my sweet babies and my wonderful husband!

I'm thankful for my family and Jon's family and to have them so close (well most of them) and for the good relationships we have! I'm thankful for the gospel of Jesus Christ, to be a member of the church and have a testimony. I'm thankful for a warm home, good food to eat and clean clothes to wear. Okay tomorrow there will be clean clothes after I do the laundry. Despite the actual chore - I'm thankful for a washer and dryer. I'm thankful for books that I'm able to get lost in (Pope Joan, I just finished it, is fabulous-thanks Alli). I'm thankful for vehicles that get us where we need to go and for gas that is finally under $2. I'm thankful for our beautiful mountains and this choice land that we live in. I'm thankful for Dr. Pepper. I'm thankful for girlfriends, each of you, who make me a better person and love me with all of my faults. I'm thankful for contacts. I'm thankful for our healthy bodies. I'm thankful for Burt's Bees Wax chap stick. This list goes on and on but I must quit sometime. Goodnight!

Crazy Busy

The last couple weeks have been so hectic around our house that it's been hard to keep this updated and furthermore to keep it straight in my feeble mind. Some fun things were going to the movies with Shellie, Madi, Jaden, Jeremy, Jordan and my kiddies last Saturday! We went to see Madagascar 2 which was pretty cute and even Rylee watched most of it. Then we got to enjoy some delicious pizza and play the afternoon away.

My sweet little niece Brynlee got to fly to Utah with her dad and stay the weekend with my parents. We thoroughly enjoyed her giggles and kisses and Rylee didn't beat her up once, just a few growls and swats! (This is not a swat, she was actually going to give her a love)

Sunday was the "farewell" for Jon's brother Jordan. He did a great job and it's been fun to see him get ready to leave on his mission. So that leaves us with depature day.... I think it would be best if missionaries were just dropped off at the front gate instead of prolonging the inevitable tearfest goodbyes. That's just my opinion.

And last but not least helping my lovely mother in-law pack and move! Wow, that's been fun!!! You know I would do it again Shellie. Oh wait, we're still doing it. A miracle in this economy, but Jon's parents were able to sell their house (to the first people that looked at it!) So a busy, fun, teary, exciting week was had by all. Hope yours was good too!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Private Blog

I just read my friend's notice that she is changing her blog to "private"-as many of you have recently. I thought to myself...why haven't I done that yet? No reason. So, like Louisa, I will change to a private blog in one week. If you would like to continue reading my blog let me know by commenting or emailing me at so I can sent you an invite. All in the name of safety!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


~ Went to the dentist and had the rare experience of NO cavities! Hooray for me!
~ Took the opportunity to vote! I love our country and felt honored as I drove to the school and saw streets lined with flags. I got a little teary eyed thinking of all the blessings we have living in this great country!
~Went to lunch with Kim, Ashley, Helene, and Joy (sorry you were sick Tiff). I have loved getting to know people in our ward and they have been so kind to me and my family. Thank you!!!
~ Temple night with my husband is always a treat!
~ Watched Garrett in his first Primary Program. I was excited that he would actually sit on the stand the whole time and for the most part be reverent. He never sang a word but I don't care, he was there and participated. They gave him a small speaking part which I'm not sure what it was since he got up and I'm pretty sure said, "I love dinosaurs" in his best T-Rex voice! What a guy!
~ Went to dinner at Brick Oven with Jon and the kids. Wow! Won't be doing that again. Jon had a feeling on the way over that it may not be a great idea but we were already loaded and on our way. The circus started when our monkey Rylee climbed to the top of the lattice that was behind our booth. Then she thought it was so great she continued to do it 5 or 6 more times. Garrett kept popping his balloons, in his face, and would cry hysterically because it was gone and it scared the crap out of him. Rylee spilled the bowl of chicken noodle soup all over the table and down my pants which left me looking like I wet myself. Garrett refused to eat any food until it was time to go and then threw a fit that he was hungry. Luckily Mom and Dad were able to laugh it off and realize that one day we'll look back with fond memories and wish they were that little again.
~On the way home from said dinner Garrett wouldn't stop talking so Jon asked if he wanted to play the QUIET GAME. He explained the few rules and we began. Garrett lasted 20 seconds. He wanted to play again. This time 11 seconds, then 9 seconds. Then he started to whimper and says, "I do not want to play this game anymore. It's too hard. I can't do it!" We know Garrett, we know!
~And finally the BESTEST BEST of all.... Monday night we had Alisa and her family and my mom and dad over for dinner and family home evening. We had a talent show where all the kids performed for us. Garrett even decided to sing "I Am A Child of God" which was so sweet. Anyhow, we then told Mom and Dad to come up for a special talent that Mom has of eating chocolate and that Dad needed to help her open it. They soon discovered a piece of paper attached to the back and started to read. It was a trip to Sweden from all of us kids!!! Thanks in large part to my brother Ty who not only came up with the idea but is paying for most of it, we were able to give my mom something she would have only dreamt about. So Mom and Dad...Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary, Happy Mother's Day, Happy Father's Day, Happy Hanukkah! We love you!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

So Thankful...

Sunday afternoon we went for a lovely drive. Garrett realized Halloween was over and seemed a little down. I told him about the next holiday we get to celebrate...Thanksgiving...and so started a back and forth game between us. It went a bit like this:

Jamie: I am thankful for Daddy and Garrett and Rylee. What are you thankful for?
Garrett: I am thankful for treats!

J: .... we could go to church today.
G:....dinosaurs (I have to admit I was surprised that wasn't #1).

J: ....for Grandmas and Grandpas that love us so much.
G: ....candy canes.

J: ...for the temple.
G: ....gum.

J: ...a warm house to live in.
G: ...dinosaur games.

J: ...yummy food to eat.
G: ...dinosaur books.

J: ...for the beautiful fall leaves.
G: ...Rylee.

There were several more but I think you get the picture. At least he got one human being in there AND he is at least thankful for all those other NECESSITIES of life!