Thursday, November 6, 2008

So Thankful...

Sunday afternoon we went for a lovely drive. Garrett realized Halloween was over and seemed a little down. I told him about the next holiday we get to celebrate...Thanksgiving...and so started a back and forth game between us. It went a bit like this:

Jamie: I am thankful for Daddy and Garrett and Rylee. What are you thankful for?
Garrett: I am thankful for treats!

J: .... we could go to church today.
G:....dinosaurs (I have to admit I was surprised that wasn't #1).

J: ....for Grandmas and Grandpas that love us so much.
G: ....candy canes.

J: ...for the temple.
G: ....gum.

J: ...a warm house to live in.
G: ...dinosaur games.

J: ...yummy food to eat.
G: ...dinosaur books.

J: ...for the beautiful fall leaves.
G: ...Rylee.

There were several more but I think you get the picture. At least he got one human being in there AND he is at least thankful for all those other NECESSITIES of life!


Amanda said...

Cute conversation! I think that is awesome...

Kim said...

We call that the "Thankful Game" at our house and have had some pretty hilarious rounds of it. At least Garrett named "dinosaurs" in general and not every single one by name for all of his turns!

Becca Hatch said...

My kids are thankful for gum, Velveeta, and dress-up. And I am thankful for bed time, my Danskos, and candy.

tiff said...

Looks like Garrett has all of the important things down.