Sunday, November 23, 2008


Of course with the holidays quickly approaching and with repeat versions of the "Thankful Game" it's hard not to sit down for a moment and really think about everything I'm grateful for. Today that opportunity came while taking Rylee for a drive. As I was glancing back at her and watching her little face relax and her eyes start to flutter as she fell asleep I had that incredibly overwhelming feeling of "how on earth did I get blessed and entrusted with these most precious little angels" and the tears just flowed. I can't comprehend what my life would be like without my sweet babies and my wonderful husband!

I'm thankful for my family and Jon's family and to have them so close (well most of them) and for the good relationships we have! I'm thankful for the gospel of Jesus Christ, to be a member of the church and have a testimony. I'm thankful for a warm home, good food to eat and clean clothes to wear. Okay tomorrow there will be clean clothes after I do the laundry. Despite the actual chore - I'm thankful for a washer and dryer. I'm thankful for books that I'm able to get lost in (Pope Joan, I just finished it, is fabulous-thanks Alli). I'm thankful for vehicles that get us where we need to go and for gas that is finally under $2. I'm thankful for our beautiful mountains and this choice land that we live in. I'm thankful for Dr. Pepper. I'm thankful for girlfriends, each of you, who make me a better person and love me with all of my faults. I'm thankful for contacts. I'm thankful for our healthy bodies. I'm thankful for Burt's Bees Wax chap stick. This list goes on and on but I must quit sometime. Goodnight!


Yanceyfam said...

Your pictures are darling! Who took them? What a cute little family.

McCall said...

Love you Jame! This post made me cry. The pictures are wonderful by the way!!

mom said...

Hi Jame, I would like to say ditto to all of those things to be thankful for plus a few others, precious grandchildren and their terrific parents, Elders Quorum who help move families in and out of homes, nice comfortable beds to collapse in, parents who keep on loving their children, siblings, missionaries, diet dr. pepper, special ice from thrifty C, warm comfortable homes, a job with benefits, good friends, pirate stuff, prayer and much much more. Love you, Shell

Amanda said...

I echo your sentiments, for sure! That was a fun read... i am thankful for Girls' getaways...

tiff said...

I LOVE the pics!!! Rylee totally looks like a model. Models never smile you know. :)

Paul and Alli Watson said...

What a precious family. You are one lucky girl!