On June 25 Jon and I, along with about 20 other family members, participated in the AF Canyon Half Marathon and 5K in support of my Aunt Kaye who is battling lung cancer and in memory of Uncle Jerry who died in March of prostate cancer.
I'd love to say I did the half marathon, but alas, I'm not that motivated. I felt pretty proud of myself just to jog a couple miles of the 5K. It's been awhile since this body did any jogging.
However, my incredible sister Alisa and nephew Alek did complete the half. That's 13.1 miles!!!
It was Alek's first half marathon and I was so proud of both of them. That's quite an accomplishment!
After the race we all met back at Alisa's for a little cousin reunion and breakfast. Thanks Alisa for getting us all organized! YOU ROCK!
Post race picture of Alek Austin Nelson and my Austin! Too cute.