Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Team Kaye

On June 25 Jon and I, along with about 20 other family members, participated in the AF Canyon Half Marathon and 5K in support of my Aunt Kaye who is battling lung cancer and in memory of Uncle Jerry who died in March of prostate cancer.

I'd love to say I did the half marathon, but alas, I'm not that motivated. I felt pretty proud of myself just to jog a couple miles of the 5K. It's been awhile since this body did any jogging.

However, my incredible sister Alisa and nephew Alek did complete the half. That's 13.1 miles!!!

It was Alek's first half marathon and I was so proud of both of them. That's quite an accomplishment!
After the race we all met back at Alisa's for a little cousin reunion and breakfast. Thanks Alisa for getting us all organized! YOU ROCK!

Post race picture of Alek Austin Nelson and my Austin! Too cute.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Sweet Babies

I just love these kids.

The best Daddy ever!

Unfortunately I didn't even get a picture of the daddy on Father's Day but we had a great day just the same. Garrett wanted to hit a few garage sales the Friday before Father's Day and he found a brand new mule deer key chain for $1 that he used his own money to buy for his dad because "he will totally love this"...which he did. Rylee picked out a favorite treat for her dad and wrapped it. I woke up on Father's Day morning to what I assumed was Garrett sneaking into the treats stored in the laundry room. When I came out to surprise him we was trying to tape up this sign...

how sweet is that. He had gotten out the construction paper and scissors and went to town making this special sign for DADDY!

Jon is such a great dad and I love watching him with our kids. I can spend the entire day doing fun things with the kids but when dinner time comes and we go around the table to tell our favorite part of the day their response is almost always "WHEN DADDY CAME HOME!" I love that he spends time with each of them. He tries to involve them in what he's doing whether it's mowing the lawn, feeding the horses or just watching a basketball game. They love having Daddy chase them and have Daddy Wrestle Fights. We love our Daddy!!!

Big Month for Bubby

Our little Bubby had several big events occur in June starting on the 1st with his first roll over. We were all very excited and gave him a big round of applause.

Around the 3rd he found his feet! I didn't get a great shot but he was pretty pleased with himself. I also have to show off the beautiful quilt Shellie made for Austin that I've yet to picture. Thanks Nana!

The 12th brought sitting up on his own.

I don't know why I hadn't tried earlier but this Sunday morning I figured he could do it.

He'd probably been wondering what took me so long. He's sat so well from the first try and only occasionally does his face meet the floor.

He definitely enjoys the freedom of being able to see, play and reach for his toys better than on his back.

I also put him in the big bath tub (he usually just gets in the shower with me) and he quite enjoyed himself. Love the pudgy rolls!!!

On the 21st he turned 6 months old. We celebrated by adding applesauce to his rice cereal. It went over quite well. Austin went for his check-up and is keeping up his healthy weight at 19 pounds 12 ounces. Way to GROW big boy! The whole family is in love with the babe and we just can't seem to get enough of his sweet smiles, sounds and laughter.