Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Bright Spot

I was having a rough day yesterday, not because of my kids, just one of "those" days I suppose. I'd given up actually accomplishing anything so I sat on the porch reading a book while my kids were playing. It got quiet which usually is a sign of mischief but when I looked around this is what I saw...

If this couldn't turn my day around I don't know what would! I love my little sweeties!!!


Yanceyfam said...

So Cute!!! I love it when they're sweet to each other. I'm sorry you were having a bad day. I'm glad you could find a bright spot. Let's go have lunch to celebrate our birthdays next week. I'll call you.

Becca Hatch said...

What sweet pictures! Just when you think things are hopeless your kids come through!

Amanda said...

Jamie- that is so dang cute! I need you to call me on days like that because it will make me feel more "normal"- they are adorable.

Paul and Alli Watson said...

That is so sweet. A good reminder that no matter how bad your day is, there is always something good right around the corner. Cute, cute kids.

Grandma Sue said...

Those are two sweet little grandkids - love the picture! And to think you actually caught it. Sorry it wasn't your best day - off days just stink, but it sure makes you appreciate the better days more.

Nathan & Dacia Holt said...

I love it Jamie, that is so sweet! Our little ones are the biggest blessings, they are simple reminders that makes everything better and brings the smile to our faces!

Coral said...

So cute! Those moments are the best thing in life! I love them!

bevans said...

What cuties! You can't help but smile when you see that picture!

McCall said...

They certainly ARE a bright spot. Brynlee and I loved catching up on your blog (finally) this morning. We can't wait to see you all in a few weeks!