Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Expanding the family

By the end of the year our little family will grow to five! It's true....I'm having a baby. Yes, it was planned and we are excited. I'm due on Christmas Day - that part was not planned, well I should say not planned well. Either way it will be fun to have a new little one around the house. Rylee tells me every day that my belly is getting bigger! Thanks Toots, that's just what I want to hear right now.


Katrina said...

Congratulations! I hope you are feeling well.

Becca Hatch said...

Yay for you! At least you now have an excuse for the expanding belly, whereas mine is generally to be blamed on candy.

Robyn said...


Congratulations, I'm so excited for you guys!!!!! The kids will be such helpers.

katie said...

and there you go too!!! giving in and following the crowd!?!

and this is why we all don't hang out. :(
'cause this is one thing that i won't be following the crowd with! lol

congrats! xoxo

The Nash's said...


Loren & Brody said...

I CANNOT believe it! I'm so thrilled for you! Way to go team Gray!