Friday, November 12, 2010

Little Turkey...or something like that!

It's hard for people to understand why this little darling is often referred to as a "turkey" or other colorful expressions by her own mother. Let me give you a recent sampling of why...

Yesterday after not buying cotton candy at the gas station: "Mama, you are NOT pretty!"

Later that day while affectionately playing with my hair and in a sweet, sing song voice: "Mama, you are a big, fat, heavy girl!"

Today I asked her to pick up her scissors and pencil that were under the table: Sarcastically, NOT sweetly "Why of course your majesty!"

That's just what she's said to me.

Jon's gotten: "If you don't get me a drink I'm going to pee on your tie!"

Garrett frequently gets: "You stupidy" (stupid is a big no-no word at our house but appears to be one of her favorites so she adds a "y" or something else on the end so she claims she's not actually saying stupid).

There's been our share of hair pulling, hitting, kicking, and tantrums...from Rylee too. A recent tantrum left me laughing out loud which only amplified her outrage to the point her face was shaking and turning purple from screaming. I walked out of her room, got some warm milk and laid down on her bed with her. Ten seconds later she's stroking my hair and says, "Mama, I loves you so much!" Good thing she's so cute. Any suggestions???


Liza said...

How nice but bad to hear that someone else feels my pain and needs to pray for parenting tips from above...I am telling you what, I have been called a "big, dummy loser" as of late and was once told to "Sut up, Yiza" by the same kid. Elise used to ask me in a nice voice when she was small to get her something and then she would add to the end of the request, "before I fweak out." I'd highly recommend the book, "Parenting with Love and Logic" by Foster Cline. Gave me some good ideas.

Becca Hatch said...

About the time Kiki was going through a similar stage, I anonymously received a parenting book in the mail (NOT the one Liza recommended). I was pretty bugged and then I found out that the book was not anonymous, it was from my mother-in-law.

I can't decide which is worse.

So. The point is: We've all been there and no one is judging you. Plus, she is always so nice at my house!

The Nash's said...

Oh Jamie---I am laughing out loud right now I can barely believe such terrible things come from that sweet quiet shy little thing!!...but I needed a smile, so thank you for sharing :)

Ashleigh said...

No advice, just laughter. Ummm, I thinnk Olivia might end up okay in the end if that gives you any hope.

Loren & Brody said...

Do like they do on the Discovery Channel...the smart ones eat their young!