Sunday, February 20, 2011

Girl Fun

My bad mother moment is admitting that I don't enjoy playing Barbies or with these little princesses. However, this is not to be confused with playing with my daughter - that I do love! It's inevitable that as soon as Garrett leaves for school Ry wants to play with one or the other and I dread it...I would rather do ANYTHING else...but I bow to her pleadings and will play for awhile. This last week I decided to make it more enjoyable for me, selfish, I know. We had made play dough the previous day and I thought, "hey, we can make furniture for your princesses" and Rylee loved the idea. We made this living room complete with couch, chair, pillow, tables, lamp and a bowl of cherries. We also made a bad, bathtub and I couldn't help but make a toilet. This kind of "play" I can do.


Ashleigh said...

You're a better mom than me. I play hide and go seek but pick the house up the whole time as I move from room to room. I did a couple of years ago with Addie and Olivia and then forgot about it. I just recently remembered and started "playing" with Livvy and Drew. I need to document this one, because it's the perfect multi task because they have no idea.

We need to get over and hold that baby. He is just so precious!

Grandma Sue said...
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