Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Nature vs. Nurture

The great debate gets a point on each side.

Garrett is a sweet, tender hearted boy. The other day he came home from school very upset that a few of the boys were tackling him but more upset that they were tackling some girls and taking away their coats. Many tears were shed. That night during his prayer he asked Heavenly Father to help him protect those two girls the following day at recess. Now, I try to teach my kids to be kind and loving to others but this deep rooted care and concern he has definitely comes as a gift from God.

1 point Nature


Coming home from Wal-Mart on Monday we pulled into the garage and immediately Rylee hopped out of her seat and announced, "I NEED TO WASH THESE HANDS"! "Are they sticky" I asked. "NOOOOO, they've got Wal-Mart germs!!!!" That's my girl!

1 point Nurture

Both qualities are invaluable.


Loren & Brody said...

That is SO sweet! What a tender little guy! (hope he pounded the mean boys- in a loving way, of course!) :)

Paul and Alli Watson said...

Garrett has such a sweet heart (and I think he gets that from you). What a fun family!

Robyn said...

Thanks for making me laugh this morning Jamie and Rylee. Walmart germs, he, he, he, he.