I love having plans to look forward to - it helps make the week go faster. Cami invited us to the movies on Friday morning with her kids. LASSIE! I admit I've never seen it but my kids seemed to enjoy it. I got several laughs at things like the earring cuffs, huge oversized shirts/coats, layering with flannels. You remember those days don't you? I had an earring cuff at one time of a nondescript human body. I wore it proudly until someone told me it looked like it was making out with my ear.
(Kim claims she doesn't know what the cuff is so here's a picture to refresh your memory)
Goodbye earring cuff. Friday night I went with Cherie to Olive Garden, yummy, and then headed out to see "The Proposal". It was sold out! What's a girl to do? Well these girls headed off to several theaters and ended up in Union Park area. It was worth the effort (with the exception of a nearly nude Sandra - HELLOOO - it's PG-13) we were laughing through the entire show. Saturday I took the kids to yard sales. Another confession: I LOVE to hit the yard sales...you just never know what you'll find and honestly my kids think it's great, like a treasure hunt. Garrett was determined to find dinosaurs. After many failed attempts we decided to go to just one more before going home. JACKPOT! They had a bin full of dinosaurs and he was so excited. He gathered several in his arms and then something caught his eye. He says, "Mama, if I put all of these dinosaurs back can I get this"? He doesn't look at the item but is pointing to it. It was a V-tech video game system. He is getting into the whole game thing and so for $10 (including 3 games) I happily said yes. He was ecstatic! It was a great purchase especially since it rained nearly the entire day. That evening Jon was out and I was getting pretty bored when I found a 40% off coupon for Borders. I loaded the kids up and we headed to Orem to buy "The Book Thief". I usually just check books out at the Library but I'm like 18 in line to get the book. We hung out there for an hour and read all sorts of Princess, Barbie and dino books. Sunday we actually got out of the house by 8:50 to make it Shellie's ward. She was speaking and did a fabulous job on "things she learned from her father". Considering her dad just past away in March I was doubly impressed that she could do it! Good Job Mom In-Law! We went to our ward after and had a great lesson in both Sunday School and R.S. Aftwards we headed to my parents and had a yummy steak dinner for the boys! I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful husband and father for our kids. Jon has such a great time playing with Garrett and Rylee. They love to have daddy chase them, play hide and seek, throw them in the air, tickle them til they cry or just lay by them and talk. Around the dinner table every night we each say what our favorite part of the day was. Always, Rylee's answer is "Daddy home"! I'm also spoiled to have such a great dad myself! He's taught me so much and is always there to help me with anything. He's a great grandpa too! Happy Father's Day!
What the heck is an "earring cuff"? Was that something that happened while I was on my mission?
Think of a toe ring but for the side of your ear. Instead of piercing, the cuff just fits nicely around the ear.
Seriously-- I've never seen one of those before! That must have been one short lived fad!
I totally remember the earing cuff! Although my ears really were pierced up there... I need to find out where the garage sales are from you, I love garage sales, Rob on the other hand does not embrace them so much, but there are treasures to be found!
Dad, just rushed right over when I told him he was mentioned in your blog. He's still smiling!
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