Dad called on the morning of the 30th at 8:30 to see if he could pick up my kids to go sleigh riding! Hello, of course! After I got them dressed I called back to let him know they were ready. Mom answered the phone and was a little irritated. She got up and looked out the window and said "oh, I should probably call the kids and take them sledding". When my dad proudly states, "I've already called them and am on my way to pick them up!". He was so happy with himself. I just love that my parents still love to do this stuff.
Alek and Garrett (with his new sled from the Nelsons)! He wouldn't give it up or let anyone go with him!
Papa and Ry had great fun on the tubes... and got the best distance!
Grandma was finally allowed to join the group (after 30 minutes so Dad could have all the the glory until she arrived). How lucky Rylee and Garrett are to have such fun grandparents!
On New Years Eve we were invited to my friend Kim's for goodies galore and games. The kids were thoroughly entertained by all the food and the fun! Jon and I had so much fun with our friends and had many laughs. Thanks!!! We finally decided to head home around ten and were asleep well before midnight. A PERFECT evening!
Alek and Garrett (with his new sled from the Nelsons)! He wouldn't give it up or let anyone go with him!
Papa and Ry had great fun on the tubes... and got the best distance!
Grandma was finally allowed to join the group (after 30 minutes so Dad could have all the the glory until she arrived). How lucky Rylee and Garrett are to have such fun grandparents!
On New Years Eve we were invited to my friend Kim's for goodies galore and games. The kids were thoroughly entertained by all the food and the fun! Jon and I had so much fun with our friends and had many laughs. Thanks!!! We finally decided to head home around ten and were asleep well before midnight. A PERFECT evening!