Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Just a little reminder

I love being a mom, however, it's only Wednesday and it's already been a challenging week with my kiddies (blood curdling screams over dinosaurs being touched, kicking and hitting over being told "no", whining without end, protests over eating anything of nutritional value, currently listening to crying from a baby who should still be's only been two hours since you went to bed my child). So it's nice during these times to be able to sit down and contemplate, remind myself that "this too shall pass". These are the reminders of why I truly am so thankful to be a mom.
  • After 5-6am our bed is free game. If one or both of the kids gets up I actually love having them get in bed with us. I love to feel their soft warm bodies next to me and hear their breathing. It's soothing and peaceful.
  • I love the unexpected "Momma, I love you so much" or "Momma, I want a hug" from Garrett.
  • I love when Rylee gives me kisses and then giggles.
  • If I burp during lunch Garrett says "Momma, what do you say for yourself?" "Excuse me" "Thank you momma!" - He is learning good manners.
  • I love when Rylee pulls my hands up to her eyes and wants to play peek-a-boo or will point to her facial features and then find them on my face.
  • Although Garrett doesn't read I'll listen to him repeat (almost word for word) Where the Wild Things Are to Rylee while I'm making dinner or cleaning.
  • Garrett's jubilation when getting a dinosaur book that I find at a garage sale and he thinks he's hit the jackpot. His joy lasts for weeks!
  • Watching Rylee hurl down the driveway on her Dora scooter with no fear!
  • At bedtime Rylee will nuzzle her head into my neck and I can kiss her little face and head all I want.
  • Every night Garrett asks me to "lay by me and hold my hand and sing I Am a Child of God and rub my back and sing I Feel My Saviors Love" usually in one breath. And then he'll rub my arm while I sing.

Yes, I am thankful to be a mom...especially to my kids!


Paul and Alli Watson said...

Very Cute Jame! Your blog is awesome.

Amanda said...

I love the list! It's amazing how difficult, yet blissful life as a mom can be!

Grandma Sue said...

You make me want to have a blog. I love it! Your thoughts on motherhood bring back many special memories. Is it to late for you to crawl into our bed early some morning?