Wednesday, February 4, 2009

For Love

Our Relief Society lesson on Sunday was about LOVE (great job Tiff!). She asked "what does love motivate you to do?" Many answers were given...laundry, serve, dinner, cleaning up vomit, etc. So Rylee and I have been sick the last couple days with the congested head cold crud. Monday night we were eating dinner and Rylee was sitting on my lap when she started to gag and consequently vomited a good half days worth of curdled milk all over me, the chair and floor. She, however, came away unscathed. As I was cleaning up the mess all I could think of was how much I must (and DO) love that little girl! All for love!!!
SIDE NOTE: This experience has brought me no closer to trying to overcome my aversion to drinking milk!


Loren & Brody said...

I feel sorry for you, while at the same time can't stop laughing! That has SO happened to me and it's the pits. Hang in there. ps- we need to get together's been forever!

Kristie said...

So I haven't check your blog for so long. I am so sorry to here about the arm. We haven't experienced that one yet knock on wood. And Happy Anniversary I thought you had more time on us than that but we hit nine years this year also crazy how the time flies hu? Thanks for the comment about Jaxon I had already decided that I had to pick him up but the whole hold the hand and walk home I thought would be a great effect and it seems to be working he hates it we will see what happens when I give him a chance to try on his own again. Motherhood you got to love it.

tiff said...

Thanks for the thanks, Jamie! Sorry you had to clean up vomit, though.

By the way, Tuesday was the first SIZ night that I have EVER been to, and I loved it. You did a great job.

And did I mention you looked great too? I'm officially jealous of you in those pants. With love, of course. :)