Thursday, January 15, 2009

Our first broken bone

Garrett went to the orthopedic surgeon yesterday and he confirmed that the break went right through his growth plate. Luckily, it is a clean break and he didn't see any reason why it shouldn't heal fabulously. Garrett goes back in two weeks were they'll x-ray again and if it looks good then no more cast, otherwise they'll recast for another two weeks. I figure if 4 weeks is the max - that's not to shabby. After a little persuading he finally decided on the green cast because "it looks like dinosaur skin" instead of the really bright pink which was his first pick!!!

As you can see, the "coolness" of his cast competes with the triceratops sticker on the other arm that the x-ray tech gave him. All in all he's been a really good patient and I have to say I think he's loving all the attention.


Becca Hatch said...

Poor little guy! I hope he heals up okay!

Ashleigh said...

He looks so cute in this picture! 4-weeks isn't bad, but still a pain. So sorry poor Garrett, but at least it's exciting for now with his dinosaur cast.

tiff said...

Oh my gosh! I wondered about the cast today! I'm so sorry. He does look good in dinosaur skin, though...

Robyn said...

What a happy camper! Garrett looks great in green.

Amanda said...

Wow- that's a first! What a cutie pie in his Dino cast!

Louisa said...

Maddie broke her arm twice in six months so we've done the cast thing. The first one was just a hairline so she had a soft cast and the second time it was a full on break that I could see. She did sport the bright pink cast. The green definitely was a good choice for your little guy. I love that it is like a different skin. Good luck with it and hopefully it will only be the 4 weeks. Poor little guy!