Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Spring Break or Spring GO GO GO?

I didn't think "Spring Break" would have an impact on my family since my kids aren't in school yet. Au contrair, mon frere. It meant I didn't have any extra kids for the week, Garrett was out of preschool and it happened to be the same week that Jon was in Denver for work. Which to me equates to PLAY with no regard for schedules, regular meal time or food for that matter. I decided the kids and I would do something fun every day that we normally don't enjoy. Remember it takes very little to entertain and surprise my babies.

Monday I took them to the rec center but instead of picking them up from the day care and heading home we went swimming. " the pool?" Couldn't be happier. After, we got cleaned up and went to Costco (okay they're used to this but love it just the same) and had pizza, fruit smoothies and split a churro for lunch at 1:30. That's right, the queen of nutrition.

Tuesday started out with a trip to the doctors for Garrett's kindergarten check and thus didn't fall into the "fun" category but he did get to pick 3 dinosaur stickers and a pencil which somewhat made up for the four shots they gave him. My mom was watching Rylee during this time and sent me and Garrett off to lunch for some one on one. He picked Wendy's and we sat at the table and talked and did the puzzle that came in his kid meal. It's nice to spent time with each kid and give them your undivided attention. That afternoon we went to Walmart to get a birthday present and spend the "bravery" money (given by Grandma for getting his shots). We made a quick pit stop at home to get dinner...bread and apple slices... so we could make it to the 5:45 movie "How To Train Your Dragon" with our friends Cami and Justin and get the rest of our dinner...popcorn, soda and Bottlecaps. It was a really cute show and to hear Garrett laugh out loud is the best.

Wednesday we were invited to a b-day party for Garrett's friend Sydnee. I think this is so fun since Sydnee's mom, Crystal, and I have been friends since we were in diapers and went to each others parties and now our kids our doing it too. Anywho, we went to Pirate Island and enjoyed plenty of games, pizza and prizes. That night I ditched my sweeties with my mom and went to dinner with my buddy Rachael at Carrabba's....oooooh, yummy! Hey, I need a break too.

Thursday we headed to the U of U's Natural History Museum. At our Gray's Easter gathering the previous weekend Great Grandma Gray had clipped an article for Garrett about a 10 foot Ceratopsian dinosaur puppet that was at the museum starting on Thursday and there would be a little show. We arrive at 9:30 so we could see the museum first and be ready for the 11:00 show. I forget that Natural History isn't solely dinosaurs so it was nothing like the dino museum at Thanksgiving Point. My kids didn't seem to mind.

They had a bug area with live ones...scorpions, furry spiders, centipedes, etc. that totally made Garrett go nuts. I let them pick out something from the gift shop and then we got the best seats (on the steps of the lobby...there were no actual seats) for the show. They had volunteers for different parts and Garrett kept raising his hand and was never picked. The guy asked if anyone knew what a Parasaurolophus was and of course his hand shot right up and since he answered it he got to be that dino in the show. When the 10 foot puppet came out it stopped being fun for Garrett. I could hear him say, "ummm, I'm getting nervous."

Luckily they had all the helpers return to their seats for the remainder of the show. He was so happy to be part of it though, it was priceless. We left the UMNH and grabbed some lunch at Foothill Village, got some flowers for my aunt and checked out an awesome toy store to kill some time. This toy store was incredible, small, but so many fun, different things. Then we headed to my Aunt Diane's and Uncle Perry's. My kids took an immediate liking to Perry and hung out with him for almost 2 hours. He played t-ball with Garrett and then gave him the mitt, balls and bat. They played with Diane's many treasures and enjoyed the cookies and "pink drink" she had for them. We had a ball!

Friday we crashed and waited for Dad to come home!


The Nash's said...

WOW-You are the energizer mommy! Can I be your kid? :)It sounds like a fun week to me!

Amanda said...

Bravery Money- I need some of that!! Sounds like a terrific week- and I agree; sometimes it's easier to just do the routine!!