Monday, September 15, 2008

Birthday Party Extravaganza!

(Good Morning Birthday Boy, The Three Musketeers, Stegosaurus Cake, The Party Attendees)

Garrett was so excited for his birthday this year that I decided he needed to have a friend party. For the last two weeks he'd get up every day and say "It's my Birthday! Momma, are you going to make me a dinosaur birthday cake?" To which I would reply "10(or 9,8,7 and so on) more days. This morning when he got up and realized that in fact it was his birthday today he went nuts - running around the house, jumping up and down, clapping for himself. This is what birthday's used to be about..before we got old! We went to McDonald's for breakfast with Grandma Sue (my mom). Rylee got stuck at the top of the play place so I got to fish her out. That was fun! At noon the friends arrived - Kaisa, Doug, Michael, Justin and Lexi. They colored a 9 foot dinosaur mural while lunch was getting ready. Ate pizza, breadsticks, fruit and carrots (well kinda ate). Then we played pin the horn on the triceratops, dinosaur egg hatch (popping balloons I had put dinosaurs in), dinosaur egg hunt, opened presents, ate cake (isn't that an awesome cake...thank you Tina!!!), and read dinosaur stories until their moms came. Needless to say I'm exhausted and my house looks like a dinosaur bomb exploded. But to see the pure joy and enthusiasm on that childs face was well worth it! We finished the evening off at Taco Amigo with Nana (Jon's mom). I think this was the longest day in recent memory!


Kristie said...

Ok Jamie for a new blogger you shure have cot on quick I am so far behind and haven't figured out neer the stuff you have. His party sounds like a blast. I love throwing kids parties.

Kristie said...

p.s. thanks for the comments on the venting I really just needed to right things down and since this is my journal you all get to read the horrifics of my motherhood along with me. but i enjoy the comments of incuragement and always love to know "you aren't the only one"

Robyn said...

You are a nice Mom, friend parties stress me out and I don't do them that often. Nice cake!!!!

Becca Hatch said...

Way to throw a fun party! You have had such a busy week. After Kate's last party I swore I was going on strike, but I don't think that is going to happen since it's three months away and she is already talking about it.

Amanda said...

He is such a cute boy! Happy Birthday, Garrett! That cake was adorable, Jamie! Way to go :)

tiff said...

I thought your party was so cute--I wondered where you got all of your fun ideas. And I was so impressed with you menu that included fruit AND veggies. Nice.