Friday, October 31, 2008


I love this picture of my little tootsie!

They wore themselves out and it's only 3:30!

There is only about 1 1/2 hours left of HALLOWEEN and I have to admit I'm a little grateful. Halloween has never been one of my favorite holidays but since having my kids it's starting to be something a little more fun. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing Garrett's excitement while counting down to the big day, wearing his costume to various activities, and just plain thrilled to get treats just by knocking on doors. Of course Rylee is just as excited since she follows everything that big brother does! I loved watching my trick-or-treaters tonight and couldn't get enough of their sweet little smiles...even though they were lined with layers of sugar!

My sweet Mommy took my kids and my sisters kids to Cornbelly's this week. They had a fabulous time running from one activity to the next and we nearly had to pry them out of the place to get them in the car. Definitely a worthwhile activity - and thanks mom for giving our kids a memorable, fun-filled afternoon instead of a bag of sugary sweets!

Last night we decided it was about time to carve our pumpkins. Garrett and Rylee thought it was "so coo" and each took turns cleaning out the pumpkins - fine by me I don't care to touch the slimy stuff! Garrett is so funny lately - whatever it is we're eating, doing, saying, watching-it is currently his "favorite" thing. So watching his daddy carve the pumpkin he says, "Daddy, this jack-o-lantern is my favorite pumpkin". I have a feeling they all are! When the finished products were displayed they squealed and jumped up and down. They sat on the porch and admired their work as long as possible. This is what make Halloween fun!

Garrett goes to speech class and loves it - although in the year we've been going he has yet to participate in singing time. Nevertheless, he enjoys going, practicing his homework and his teachers are wonderful. Tuesday they were able to wear costumes and everything was centered around Halloween...big shocker there! But they had lots of fun and got to trick-or-treat to the teachers which made Garrett's day.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Surgery Update

Jon had his cornea transplant today and everything went very well-hooray! The surgery lasted a little more than an hour and the doctor said it was "a beautiful transplant". He's been doing really good today, however, the heavy duty drugs haven't quite left yet so we're hoping it's a good night and the pain can be managed by the prescribed drugs. We'll go back to his doctor at 8:00am tomorrow to have a looksy. Thanks everyone for your calls, concern and prayers - we appreciate it!!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008


~ Scourred Nana's box of costumes and let the kids try on anything they wanted. Rylee fell in love with the lion (I hope she won't be disappointed when I force her to wear the darling witch costume we already have)! Garrett turned from a ghost, to a dragon, Mickey Mouse, then decided on the dragon...again!
~Garrett did really well at Talking Time. He is working on the "H" sound.
~Discovered Rylee's new profession as a bank robber.
~Enjoyed Farm Country with Amanda and her cuties and then had a yummy, if chaotic, lunch.
~Had our family pictures taken which I hope turn out fabulous-but I'm realistic...Rylee refused to smile.
~Alisa invited us to Jungle Jim's and we had a ball. Again, no smiles from Rylee for the 2 plus hours we were there until the 2nd to last ride where we kept bumping Garrett in the bumper cars and that made her squeal with glee.
~We were able to join Jordan, Jon's younger brother, at the temple. He's getting ready to leave on his mission to Washington. It was a special and wonderful day! Thanks for letting us be there with you!!!
~And my favorite Garrett wisdom this week:

Garrett-"Whatcho doin' Daddy?"

Daddy-"I'm just doing some laundry."

Garrett-"This room is not for daddies it's for mommies. It's for Jamies"

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I've been tagged!

Alli tagged me for this...(sorry Alli I've stolen some of your answers)
10 years ago I was: (I actually went back to my journal to the very few entries I had and this is what was in there)
1. Getting my first cell phone from Mom and Dad on my 20th birthday!
2. Moving with Amanda and Amber into Lynwood Apts. with Alli, Chanel & Janice
3. Flying to San Francisco with Ansen and Chris to visit the Bethers Brothers-what a trip!
4. Dating the biggest loser of my single life (luckily it didn't last too long)
5. On Oct. 25 wrote about a personal revelation that truly changed my life but not something I want to share with all of you!

5 things on today’s to do list:
1. Clean my house...not gonna happen!
2. Farm Country with Amanda and her kiddies
3. Make dinner
4. Have our family pictures taken
5. Call my brother

5 snacks I enjoy:
1. Chips and Salsa
2. Red Vines
3. Ice Cream
4. Nachos
5. Anything Chocolate

5 things I would do if I were a millionaire:
1. Pay off both of our houses
2. Make huge deposits into my kids college funds
3. Travel the world
4. Donate to a great cause
5. Invest for our future

5 places I have lived:
1. AF
2. Logan
3. AF
4. AF
5. AF

5 jobs I have had:
1. Florist
2. Wendy's cashier
3. Program Coordinator at USU
4. Office Manager
5. Mom

I tag EVERYONE of you who reads this! HA!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


This morning while running errands we went to the bank where Shellie works to say hello. She was holding Rylee while we visited and at 11:04 am she says "oh no, I think she pushed the button". "What button?" I ask. "The 'we're being robbed button'". Oh dear! When The Button is pushed a signal is automatically sent to the police department so Jeff calls their security guy to let them know it was an accident. Apparently it was too late or they respond regardless. We pack up to leave and as we are heading out of the parking lot in comes the policemen. I have to admit as I looked at the officer's face he looked a little apprehensive about the situation...he he, jokes on him, or maybe he was just waiting for his backup. Anyhow, the police arrived but we had already made our escape. Now you may be wondering why I know the exact time of said prank....the security guy sent us a still shot from the surveillance camera at the moment Rylee found The Button. Unfortunately, due to SECURITY I am unable to post the picture - but it sure is cute!

Glamour Shots 2008

In case any of you are looking for the perfect gift to give your significant other this year might I recommend Glamour Shots by Alisa. This afternoon my sister came over to play with my hair and her new flat iron (by my request). She did what I asked her to do then I said, "let's curl it" since my hair isn't known for it's curling capabilities I wasn't expecting too much. After a little curl here and a little twist there I only needed to add the bright pink lipstick and I was ready for my photo shoot. I think I have the confidence now to try out for Loretta Lynn's backup dancer! Ain't we purrrty!

BTW-Garrett looked at me, pointed to my hair and said, "Momma, your hair is crazy. You are so silly!"

Sunday, October 19, 2008

A Serious Moment Please

Driving home tonight from Shellie's I was preparing the kids for bedtime by telling them the routine that we'd start as soon as we got home (p.j.'s, teeth brushing, scriptures, prayer, etc.). I asked Garrett if he remembered what we had read last night in the scriptures (the picture variety, of course). We proceeded to have a great conversation about Nehor and Gideon the rest of our drive home. He told me about Nehor being a bad guy, bad choices make us sad and good choices make us happy. It was amazing to hear what he had to say and what he comprehended. For me, it made me realize yet again, how important our role as a parent is. We teach our children period! Whether it is for the good or the bad, we teach them. I know by my example I haven't always taught my kids the good stuff, but I'm working on it. Tonights experience just makes me want to try harder!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Miracle Ear

No one told me four years ago when I had Garrett that my sense of hearing would get a serious upgrade. I am still amazed that in the dead of night I will wake up when I hear one of my kids shift positions in bed, yet be able to fall back to sleep in the middle of a 30 minute screamfest. I don't get it! I suppose it truly is a miracle.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


(Shellie & Rylee at the zoo, ready for bed at the hotel, Garrett's first bus ride, me and my kiddies on the "A")
Saturday morning I packed up everything my kids have ever touched, picked up my mom in-law and we headed out for a wild and crazy weekend in LOGAN! I know, not everyones first choice in vacation destinations, however I love Logan and wanted to visit. I have to say we picked the worst possible weekend to visit since temperatures peaked at 45 degrees - nevertheless, there was fun to be had. We went to Willow Park zoo where both my children apparently know how to do an elk call. Don't ask! We took a lovely drive up Logan canyon and to one of my favorite spots - Tony Grove. It was absolutely beautiful! We went swimming, ate at yummy restaurants including Hamilton's and a Logan staple "The Bluebird", shopped as much as the kids would allow, took Garrett on his first bus ride - he was thrilled), visited USU campus and made my kids sit on the "A" with me (I have a picture of my sisters and I kissing my dad on the "A" when I was probably 7ish, so I had to take my kids there - they wouldn't kiss me, the little turkeys). I got to see my former employer, Noelle, from Academic Services and just a great time remembering all of my college experiences....daily trips to the Quick Stop to get a juice and Tootsie Rolls, scanning the bookstore to get Chanel to walk around with me without her boss noticing, running through the sprinklers every night for weeks with Amanda, Kris, Ansen and the Bethers Brothers, going to wonderful (and some not so great) classes. Okay I could go on and on. It was just a lot of fun and I was glad I was able to go and show Shellie and my kids where I spent some of my happiest days....not that I want to go back though. The absolute highlight of the trip was on Saturday night while trying to get Rylee to bed. She wasn't diggin' the pack 'n' play but I was going to let her cry it out anyway until Garrett knelt down on the couch next to her and started singing "I Am a Child of God" until she calmed down. In the darkness of the room his sweet little voice was simply angelic! (This is only the second time I've ever heard him sing). So thank you for indulging me Shellie, Garrett & Rylee in a wonderful weekend.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Cullens have nothing on Rylee!

It's hard to believe that this sweet little girl can have such a vicious bite!

All I know is that Garrett came running back to the bathroom, where I was blow drying my hair, screaming, sobbing, and blurted out "Ry-ee bit my BACK!". Sure enough, through his fleece pajamas she managed to sink her little pearly whites into Garrett's flesh.

This is not the first time our vampire has struck. She bit me on the chest last week (NO, I'm not still nursing!) All I'm saying is BEWARE - she may strike you when you least expect it too!

Monday, October 6, 2008


I usually save this list for my "highlights" but I'm feeling a little sorry for myself tonight so I thought I'd share the less pleasant moments from this week.
~ I got sick and Rylee had a fever.
~I washed my load of whites 3 times because I couldn't remember to throw them in the dryer and by the time I did remember they were already stinky.
~Took the kids to lunch and as soon as we sat down Rylee knocked over her very full cup of water. Then Garrett dumped the fry sauce all over the table and on my purse. Next came the BBQ sauce that landed on him and all over the seat and floor. Five minutes later he proceeded to climb under the table AND THRU THE BBQ SAUCE ON THE FLOOR! Luckily Jon was there to help, however that leads me to...
~I've seen my husband 1 out of the last 11 days (12 tomorrow).
~My house looks like a bomb went off and I have no ambition to change it.
~The fabric sample I have used to "mentally decorate" my kitchen and that I want to use in my curtains is of course gone from the fabric store when I went to purchase what I needed...and it's discontinued!
~I made brownies for a family in my ward (she got my "FHE treats for a month" at our R.S. auction night - so she was expecting something tonight). As I was cutting them to put on the plate I dropped two on the floor...that frosting goes far I tell ya. Then I decided to try them-of course-and they were awful. Okay beyond awful! You know I'm no dessert discriminator but I wouldn't willingly eat another bite. The whole pan made it to the garbage can and the family got rootbeer floats instead.
~Finally, at the park this evening Rylee had climbed to the top and was lurching over the edge of the rock wall (about 12-14 feet high). I stood there trying to coax her back to the slide. An old man was also there with his granddaughter who I'd been talking with. With the grin on her face and her willingness to be a dare devil I opted not to go around the playset to fetch her but rather climb the wall. My mistake. A couple steps up the wall and I feel the mans hands pushing my butt up. He told me after he was just trying to help and didn't want me to fall too. I'm pretty sure I could have handled it since my four year old didn't have a problem on the wall. "Helping" or Groping...I'll let you decide!