Monday, October 6, 2008


I usually save this list for my "highlights" but I'm feeling a little sorry for myself tonight so I thought I'd share the less pleasant moments from this week.
~ I got sick and Rylee had a fever.
~I washed my load of whites 3 times because I couldn't remember to throw them in the dryer and by the time I did remember they were already stinky.
~Took the kids to lunch and as soon as we sat down Rylee knocked over her very full cup of water. Then Garrett dumped the fry sauce all over the table and on my purse. Next came the BBQ sauce that landed on him and all over the seat and floor. Five minutes later he proceeded to climb under the table AND THRU THE BBQ SAUCE ON THE FLOOR! Luckily Jon was there to help, however that leads me to...
~I've seen my husband 1 out of the last 11 days (12 tomorrow).
~My house looks like a bomb went off and I have no ambition to change it.
~The fabric sample I have used to "mentally decorate" my kitchen and that I want to use in my curtains is of course gone from the fabric store when I went to purchase what I needed...and it's discontinued!
~I made brownies for a family in my ward (she got my "FHE treats for a month" at our R.S. auction night - so she was expecting something tonight). As I was cutting them to put on the plate I dropped two on the floor...that frosting goes far I tell ya. Then I decided to try them-of course-and they were awful. Okay beyond awful! You know I'm no dessert discriminator but I wouldn't willingly eat another bite. The whole pan made it to the garbage can and the family got rootbeer floats instead.
~Finally, at the park this evening Rylee had climbed to the top and was lurching over the edge of the rock wall (about 12-14 feet high). I stood there trying to coax her back to the slide. An old man was also there with his granddaughter who I'd been talking with. With the grin on her face and her willingness to be a dare devil I opted not to go around the playset to fetch her but rather climb the wall. My mistake. A couple steps up the wall and I feel the mans hands pushing my butt up. He told me after he was just trying to help and didn't want me to fall too. I'm pretty sure I could have handled it since my four year old didn't have a problem on the wall. "Helping" or Groping...I'll let you decide!


Brooke said...

Oh man, sounds pretty bad. But thank you for sharing, especially that last one. I laughed good and hard. :) Hope things are better soon!

Kim said...

Your week sucked! I'm sorry-- been there. Gets to the point where you wonder why you bother getting up, huh? Maybe that dirty old man could tell you were missing your husband??? Yuck!

Ashleigh said...

Doesn't sound so bad to me . . . knowledge that you're still hot enough that someone wants some kind of opportunity to touch your butt (just too bad it's not your MIA husband)! I'll agree though, the rest . . . horrible!

Grandma Sue said...

Jamie, I can't quit laughing about the park incident. Where's the camera when you need it. Sorry, the week was such a bummer. Sure glad you're at least feeling better.

The Nash's said...

So I just saw your blog on Kims list, fancy that my cute visiting teacher is a cute little blogger! :) I personally relate to doing the same load of laundry ten times...It's all kind of stiff and crunchy-like by the time you actually put it in the dryer!!Good times. And as for the park incident---you GO GIRL!ha ha

Becca Hatch said...

I think that guy is a PERVERT. He was just looking for a chance to grope you! I know it sucks when the husband is gone...Hang in there. P.S. Kiki is a biter too- we best keep them seperate or it will be a blood bath.

Amanda said...

Ummm, how did you not kick him in the HEAD? Oops! My foot slipped! Holy crap! Sounds like a horrible week- but I guess it's best to write it down and move on...

McCall said...

Sorry about your week, Sis! I'm bummed about your fabric sample being discontinued. It was so perfect!