Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Bedtime Talk Part Deux

Prefacing this conversation: yesterday while playing in the treehouse at the mall, Garrett was kicked by a delinquent, where his parents were who knows. Anyhow, the kick has been at the top of all conversations since then.
Laying in bed next to Garrett...
G: That boy kicked me and he was mean.
Me: What can you do next time someone kicks you or is mean?
G: I will bite him.
M: We don't bite, that's not nice either. You should say, "STOP THAT HURTS".
G: I don't want to say that just "NO".
M: Okay, that will be good too.
G: I have an idea!
M: What is it.
G: I will draw them a picture with my markers. That will make them happy. Then I will give them a piece of tape to put it on their wall. They will say "thank you" and I will say "your welcome".



Amanda said...

Oh my goodness- he is a genius! I think that is awesome- he thought through the whole thing- complete with dialog! What a cutie! I took the kids to Chic fil a some time ago and some little girl was beating on my kids and I was SO MAD! I can't stand parents that don't watch their children...

Coral said...

Kids say the cutest things!

Grandma Sue said...

I vote Garrett for President! What a sweet answer.

tiff said...

Wow....sounds like bedtime is either beautiful or at least funny at your house. At my house it's more like, "GET IN BED NOW AND NO ONE GETS HURT."
Or something to that effect.

AmyG said...

What a sweet boy!