Monday, December 29, 2008

The Torch Has Been Passed

Growing up I had a tendency to make my credit it was usually an accident. Because of this my Dad started calling me Mess Cat. I am both happy and irritated to pass this name on - to my daughter. Saturday I found her in my bedroom with the door shut (a sure sign that there's trouble). There she was sitting on my floor with my makeup bag full of lipstick. She managed to pick out the contents of three full lipsticks, slather herself and clothes and then wipe the rest on my carpet. Arrrgghhh! Today I went to change my bedsheets and found the foot board of our bed with a lovely blue scribble across the whole thing. I ran into my bathroom to grab a towel when...gasp...the same blue scribbles all over the floor, wall and baseboards. Unfortunately I didn't document said messes but she will now and forever be called Mess Cat!


tiff said...

That cracks me up! Of course, it's funnier when you don't have to clean it up....

McCall said...

Sorry, Jame! She may have to compete with cousin Brynlee for the name though!