Monday, December 29, 2008
The Torch Has Been Passed
Saturday, December 27, 2008
December Wedding
Bridal Bouquet
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Thank You Santa!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
So begins 24 hours of Christmas Bliss!
My mom has nicknamed Rylee as "Rylee Sober-sides". She's a rather pleasant child, it's just hard to get her to smile - so why should Christmas be any different? You'd think she was opening a pair of old socks or something.
Before bedtime we let them open one more present - Christmas Pajamas of course. Luckily, we're still at that stage where they are excited with new things to wear and anxious to put them on.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
December Highlights - so far!
~ On a Sunday drive, Jon and I take the kids to see the Holdman's Christmas light display. It's very cool - check out their website at: for directions (it's moved since last year). Enjoyed watching Garrett's ear to ear grin and couldn't help remembering these are the best moments of Christmas.
~ Smith Family Christmas Party. 75 attendees. Great fun to visit with my aunts, uncles, cousins and watch the little ones take their turn at the pinata!
~At Talking Time, Garrett gets to meet Mrs. Claus and he gets a present!
~Mom and I bake dozens of spritz cookies and sugar cookies. The Swedish wreath spritz cookie was always a tradition at Grandma Barratt's and I look forward every year to making them with my mom.
~The director of the Utah Regional Ballet, Jackie Colledge, is in our ward and gave us tickets to the Nutcracker! HOORAY. I have always loved the Nutcracker so I was able to take Garrett, Mom, and Kaisa to see this favorite of mine. Garrett was so excited to get dressed up and go on a special date with mom. He sat on the edge of his seat and five minutes into it he leans over and says, "momma, I love this show". He grinned and clapped the whole way through.
~ Going to the temple with my family to do sealings for our family members has become a Christmas season tradition. Dinner afterwards is just icing on the cake.
~ Our neighbors saw Garrett standing on the curb watching them ride their four wheelers and so they brought one over and let Jon take the kids for rides. They had a blast and we nearly had to pry them from the machine. Nice neighbors - but now Jon thinks we need one.
~ Finally went Christmas shopping and got everything! Came home to find our sweet kids snuggled up in Garrett's bed. What a great way to end an evening!
Friday, December 12, 2008
A couple tags...
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Bedtime Talk Part Deux
Laying in bed next to Garrett...
G: That boy kicked me and he was mean.
Me: What can you do next time someone kicks you or is mean?
G: I will bite him.
M: We don't bite, that's not nice either. You should say, "STOP THAT HURTS".
G: I don't want to say that just "NO".
M: Okay, that will be good too.
G: I have an idea!
M: What is it.
G: I will draw them a picture with my markers. That will make them happy. Then I will give them a piece of tape to put it on their wall. They will say "thank you" and I will say "your welcome".
Monday, December 8, 2008
Bedtime Talk
G: Momma, you are heavy like a giant.
Dad walks in to say goodnight.
Mom: Do you want dad to lay by you?
G: No, I do not like him very much.
Dad: You don't like me?
G: No, you are just a daddy. You are not a mommy.
At least he redeemed himself a little!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Girls Night and a little more
Monday, December 1, 2008
Gobble Gobble
Sunday, November 23, 2008
I'm thankful for my family and Jon's family and to have them so close (well most of them) and for the good relationships we have! I'm thankful for the gospel of Jesus Christ, to be a member of the church and have a testimony. I'm thankful for a warm home, good food to eat and clean clothes to wear. Okay tomorrow there will be clean clothes after I do the laundry. Despite the actual chore - I'm thankful for a washer and dryer. I'm thankful for books that I'm able to get lost in (Pope Joan, I just finished it, is fabulous-thanks Alli). I'm thankful for vehicles that get us where we need to go and for gas that is finally under $2. I'm thankful for our beautiful mountains and this choice land that we live in. I'm thankful for Dr. Pepper. I'm thankful for girlfriends, each of you, who make me a better person and love me with all of my faults. I'm thankful for contacts. I'm thankful for our healthy bodies. I'm thankful for Burt's Bees Wax chap stick. This list goes on and on but I must quit sometime. Goodnight!
Crazy Busy
Sunday was the "farewell" for Jon's brother Jordan. He did a great job and it's been fun to see him get ready to leave on his mission. So that leaves us with depature day.... I think it would be best if missionaries were just dropped off at the front gate instead of prolonging the inevitable tearfest goodbyes. That's just my opinion.

And last but not least helping my lovely mother in-law pack and move! Wow, that's been fun!!! You know I would do it again Shellie. Oh wait, we're still doing it. A miracle in this economy, but Jon's parents were able to sell their house (to the first people that looked at it!) So a busy, fun, teary, exciting week was had by all. Hope yours was good too!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Private Blog
Thursday, November 13, 2008
~ Went to the dentist and had the rare experience of NO cavities! Hooray for me!
~ Took the opportunity to vote! I love our country and felt honored as I drove to the school and saw streets lined with flags. I got a little teary eyed thinking of all the blessings we have living in this great country!
~Went to lunch with Kim, Ashley, Helene, and Joy (sorry you were sick Tiff). I have loved getting to know people in our ward and they have been so kind to me and my family. Thank you!!!
~ Temple night with my husband is always a treat!
~ Watched Garrett in his first Primary Program. I was excited that he would actually sit on the stand the whole time and for the most part be reverent. He never sang a word but I don't care, he was there and participated. They gave him a small speaking part which I'm not sure what it was since he got up and I'm pretty sure said, "I love dinosaurs" in his best T-Rex voice! What a guy!
~ Went to dinner at Brick Oven with Jon and the kids. Wow! Won't be doing that again. Jon had a feeling on the way over that it may not be a great idea but we were already loaded and on our way. The circus started when our monkey Rylee climbed to the top of the lattice that was behind our booth. Then she thought it was so great she continued to do it 5 or 6 more times. Garrett kept popping his balloons, in his face, and would cry hysterically because it was gone and it scared the crap out of him. Rylee spilled the bowl of chicken noodle soup all over the table and down my pants which left me looking like I wet myself. Garrett refused to eat any food until it was time to go and then threw a fit that he was hungry. Luckily Mom and Dad were able to laugh it off and realize that one day we'll look back with fond memories and wish they were that little again.
~On the way home from said dinner Garrett wouldn't stop talking so Jon asked if he wanted to play the QUIET GAME. He explained the few rules and we began. Garrett lasted 20 seconds. He wanted to play again. This time 11 seconds, then 9 seconds. Then he started to whimper and says, "I do not want to play this game anymore. It's too hard. I can't do it!" We know Garrett, we know!
~And finally the BESTEST BEST of all.... Monday night we had Alisa and her family and my mom and dad over for dinner and family home evening. We had a talent show where all the kids performed for us. Garrett even decided to sing "I Am A Child of God" which was so sweet. Anyhow, we then told Mom and Dad to come up for a special talent that Mom has of eating chocolate and that Dad needed to help her open it. They soon discovered a piece of paper attached to the back and started to read. It was a trip to Sweden from all of us kids!!! Thanks in large part to my brother Ty who not only came up with the idea but is paying for most of it, we were able to give my mom something she would have only dreamt about. So Mom and Dad...Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary, Happy Mother's Day, Happy Father's Day, Happy Hanukkah! We love you!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
So Thankful...
Jamie: I am thankful for Daddy and Garrett and Rylee. What are you thankful for?
Garrett: I am thankful for treats!
J: .... we could go to church today.
G:....dinosaurs (I have to admit I was surprised that wasn't #1).
J: ....for Grandmas and Grandpas that love us so much.
G: ....candy canes.
J: ...for the temple.
G: ....gum.
J: ...a warm house to live in.
G: ...dinosaur games.
J: ...yummy food to eat.
G: ...dinosaur books.
J: ...for the beautiful fall leaves.
G: ...Rylee.
There were several more but I think you get the picture. At least he got one human being in there AND he is at least thankful for all those other NECESSITIES of life!
Friday, October 31, 2008
I love this picture of my little tootsie!

Last night we decided it was about time to carve our pumpkins. Garrett and Rylee thought it was "so coo" and each took turns cleaning out the pumpkins - fine by me I don't care to touch the slimy stuff! Garrett is so funny lately - whatever it is we're eating, doing, saying, watching-it is currently his "favorite" thing. So watching his daddy carve the pumpkin he says, "Daddy, this jack-o-lantern is my favorite pumpkin". I have a feeling they all are! When the finished products were displayed they squealed and jumped up and down. They sat on the porch and admired their work as long as possible. This is what make Halloween fun!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Surgery Update
Sunday, October 26, 2008
~ Scourred Nana's box of costumes and let the kids try on anything they wanted. Rylee fell in love with the lion (I hope she won't be disappointed when I force her to wear the darling witch costume we already have)! Garrett turned from a ghost, to a dragon, Mickey Mouse, then decided on the dragon...again!
~Garrett did really well at Talking Time. He is working on the "H" sound.
~Discovered Rylee's new profession as a bank robber.
~Enjoyed Farm Country with Amanda and her cuties and then had a yummy, if chaotic, lunch.
~Had our family pictures taken which I hope turn out fabulous-but I'm realistic...Rylee refused to smile.
~Alisa invited us to Jungle Jim's and we had a ball. Again, no smiles from Rylee for the 2 plus hours we were there until the 2nd to last ride where we kept bumping Garrett in the bumper cars and that made her squeal with glee.
~We were able to join Jordan, Jon's younger brother, at the temple. He's getting ready to leave on his mission to Washington. It was a special and wonderful day! Thanks for letting us be there with you!!!~And my favorite Garrett wisdom this week:
Garrett-"Whatcho doin' Daddy?"
Daddy-"I'm just doing some laundry."
Garrett-"This room is not for daddies it's for mommies. It's for Jamies"
Thursday, October 23, 2008
I've been tagged!
10 years ago I was: (I actually went back to my journal to the very few entries I had and this is what was in there)
1. Getting my first cell phone from Mom and Dad on my 20th birthday!
2. Moving with Amanda and Amber into Lynwood Apts. with Alli, Chanel & Janice
3. Flying to San Francisco with Ansen and Chris to visit the Bethers Brothers-what a trip!
4. Dating the biggest loser of my single life (luckily it didn't last too long)
5. On Oct. 25 wrote about a personal revelation that truly changed my life but not something I want to share with all of you!
5 things on today’s to do list:
1. Clean my house...not gonna happen!
2. Farm Country with Amanda and her kiddies
3. Make dinner
4. Have our family pictures taken
5. Call my brother
5 snacks I enjoy:
1. Chips and Salsa
2. Red Vines
3. Ice Cream
4. Nachos
5. Anything Chocolate
5 things I would do if I were a millionaire:
1. Pay off both of our houses
2. Make huge deposits into my kids college funds
3. Travel the world
4. Donate to a great cause
5. Invest for our future
5 places I have lived:
1. AF
2. Logan
3. AF
4. AF
5. AF
5 jobs I have had:
1. Florist
2. Wendy's cashier
3. Program Coordinator at USU
4. Office Manager
5. Mom
I tag EVERYONE of you who reads this! HA!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Glamour Shots 2008

BTW-Garrett looked at me, pointed to my hair and said, "Momma, your hair is crazy. You are so silly!"
Sunday, October 19, 2008
A Serious Moment Please
Friday, October 17, 2008
Miracle Ear
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
(Shellie & Rylee at the zoo, ready for bed at the hotel, Garrett's first bus ride, me and my kiddies on the "A")
Saturday morning I packed up everything my kids have ever touched, picked up my mom in-law and we headed out for a wild and crazy weekend in LOGAN! I know, not everyones first choice in vacation destinations, however I love Logan and wanted to visit. I have to say we picked the worst possible weekend to visit since temperatures peaked at 45 degrees - nevertheless, there was fun to be had. We went to Willow Park zoo where both my children apparently know how to do an elk call. Don't ask! We took a lovely drive up Logan canyon and to one of my favorite spots - Tony Grove. It was absolutely beautiful! We went swimming, ate at yummy restaurants including Hamilton's and a Logan staple "The Bluebird", shopped as much as the kids would allow, took Garrett on his first bus ride - he was thrilled), visited USU campus and made my kids sit on the "A" with me (I have a picture of my sisters and I kissing my dad on the "A" when I was probably 7ish, so I had to take my kids there - they wouldn't kiss me, the little turkeys). I got to see my former employer, Noelle, from Academic Services and just a great time remembering all of my college experiences....daily trips to the Quick Stop to get a juice and Tootsie Rolls, scanning the bookstore to get Chanel to walk around with me without her boss noticing, running through the sprinklers every night for weeks with Amanda, Kris, Ansen and the Bethers Brothers, going to wonderful (and some not so great) classes. Okay I could go on and on. It was just a lot of fun and I was glad I was able to go and show Shellie and my kids where I spent some of my happiest days....not that I want to go back though. The absolute highlight of the trip was on Saturday night while trying to get Rylee to bed. She wasn't diggin' the pack 'n' play but I was going to let her cry it out anyway until Garrett knelt down on the couch next to her and started singing "I Am a Child of God" until she calmed down. In the darkness of the room his sweet little voice was simply angelic! (This is only the second time I've ever heard him sing). So thank you for indulging me Shellie, Garrett & Rylee in a wonderful weekend.